Simple Buying And Selling Domain Names Tips That Will Make You Money Online

Are you searching for no-hype, real internet business model that you can do to improve your financial fortunes? If your answer is in the affirmative, I can assure you that buying and selling domain names is a winner of choice.

You don’t need huge capital outlay to start off. In short, with as little as $10 you will be able to start a business you are sure of making as much as 900% in profits within weeks of registering a domain.

Yes, it is as simple as you can think. Spot a valuable name, register it and place it in an auction, sell and cash your profits. The benefits of running this virtual real estate business are too many to count. It includes:

  • It is easy to set up
  • It has low start-up costs. You can start small by registering new names for $10 or less
  • Anybody can do it. You don’t have to be computer savvy to excel in this business
  • It is a big profit online business model for the long term
  • It is a low risk venture that you don’t need to shed loads of cash to get running profitably
The minimum requirements to be in profits in this business are your creative and research abilities, foresight, marketing prowess and $10 start up cost. I believe it is a reachable goal for any discerning entrepreneur!

Look at the way it goes with this example. Let’s assume you are just browsing your favorite website, be it web 2.0 property, web directory, search engine, etc on the internet. You noticed that there is common buzz on a popular subject and on close study you expect a big business growth on a specific topic in the foreseeable future. What next? As a domainer, you will quickly carry out a simple keyword research and analysis to see the growing search trend.

If the indicators are good, you are good to go. Either pick up a search term and register it or creatively come up with a brand-able name that will be easy to market. You will notice this in the case. All manner of names associated with it have been registered by site flippers and they have made big profits from it.

Domain Profit Guide is a highly rated ebook that I learnt a lot of lessons from. You can get the

Domain Book Here

The first trick to learn in site flipping business is how to pick a good domain name that cannot be passed by. Netpreneurs are buying complete websites just to take possession of choice domain names to brand their businesses.

You can see why I said buying and selling domain names is the business to consider right now? Start off immediately and make a living online.

To your online business success in buying and selling domain names!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Simple Ways To Make Money Online Working From Home Using Almost Free Methods

On this website, I am going to post series of good quality content that will teach you simple ways to work from home and make money online using almost free methods. You will learn the basics of online business to the very advanced techniques that the internet gurus use to make money which they don’t want you to know. Without much ado, let’s get started.

What is an Internet Business?

An internet or online business is simply a business conducted through the World Wide Web (www) and its allied technologies. Essentially, it involves the selling of product, service or information (PSI) via the web.

Types of Internet Business

There are uncountable internet businesses you can start depending on your skills and knowledge. You can write an information product package like ebook and sell. You can start writing articles for other webmasters who don’t have the time to do it themselves or simply hate writing. Also, if you know how to develop software, design websites, do search engine optimization, market a product or service as an affiliate or generate massive targeted traffic for other webmasters, you have what it takes to start and own an internet business.

Briefly, here are some common types of tried and tested internet businesses:

-Web hosting services
-Ghost writing services
-Article writing
-Internet business coaching
-Website designing
-Buying and selling websites
-Affiliate marketing
-Brokerage services of any sort
-Selling private label rights content

The easiest way to make money online and enjoy what you do is by following your passion or interest, life’s experiences or hobbies. It is easy to connect the dots because there is always an affinity between offering value in these areas and making profits.

What It Takes to Start Making Money Online

First, as a beginner internet entrepreneur (popularly known as “newbie”), you need to have the desire to learn. Online business is more or less like offline venture except that it is run on the web. Learn the basics; know the tools and software that you need to run your business smoothly and get a mentor for guidance if possible.

For a complete ebook that walks you through all aspects of internet business skills, tools and software


I know, for sure, that you can start making money online from day one when you do everything right. Also you can spend 1-2 years wasting your time, money and efforts without making profits. However, my advice is that you should emulate successful businesses in your niche market in order to start making money as soon as possible.

To make consistent income online as an internet entrepreneur, marketer or webmaster you must be perceived as an expert in your field. Secondly, when selling a product, service or information you should always ensure that its value is over and above what you are asking in return.

Where Do You Start From?

The first place to start is from what you love or enjoy doing. The only time I will advice against it is when your passion has no commercial value. In that vein, you have the option to learn another online business model to go with.

Draw Up Your Online Business Plan

I am amazed by how many newbies plunge into internet business without a business plan in place. You may be wont to ask what a business plan is. It is a simple guide that details your goals and objectives and specific actions to achieve them.

It is funny that so many people want to make money online from thin air. Yes, it is possible but only if you can FLY! Assuming you desire to make $500 in a month. That is a goal. You should then spell out the skills, the process and resources you need to achieve it. Many people start and end with their goals and it never materializes.

What I will mention here is that your goal(s) should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-based). It is useless to want to make $5,000 in a month when you know that you don’t have the skill and resources to do so.

Your plan is your roadmap that takes you from point A to point B. Look at an example from me. When I was starting out online, I picked up a calculator and divided my monthly take home by 30 because I was working. I was now aware how much I earn per day from my day job. I said to myself, if I can start earning that money from my online business within 90 days, it will be fine.

Next, I looked at my present skills and knowledge as well as the training I need to make my goal a success. I then set aside some time each day to learn new things. That is making sacrifices and denials. In economics, it is called opportunity cost.

Having a business plan is not enough. You should monitor your daily activities to ensure you are following through. Analyze deviations from plans and adjust accordingly.

Most of the time, things may not just pan out as planned. That is why it is a plan. It is flexible and not rigid; so revise it as often as possible in order to achieve the ultimate goal.

For now, that is all for this section.

But before I close up on this article, endeavor to list all the stuff you may be good at. Thereafter, verify it with keyword research tool to ascertain if it is profitable to target such niche.

In case you are not sure how to carry out keyword research analysis, click the link below to see niche and keyword research software in action. You will learn a lot from it.


To your online success!

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